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Yoga Teaches Us To Be Uncomfortable
yoga Heather Winer yoga Heather Winer

Yoga Teaches Us To Be Uncomfortable

The practice of yoga has many benefits from increased strength and flexibility to reducing stress and improving sleep. There are thousands of articles and books detailing the many benefits and lessons of the practice, but one lesson has impacted my life the most. Yoga teaches us how to be uncomfortable and be ok.

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About The Artist-GW Jewelry Design
Siena Walker Siena Walker

About The Artist-GW Jewelry Design

GW Jewelry Design was founded by my 14 year old son, Grey, during the Covid-19 pandemic. From a young age, Grey displayed amazing patience and ingenuity. He soaked in all things electronic and detail oriented. Grey would spend hours taking apart old electronics and repurpose the parts to create numerous inventions. We knew we were in trouble when he fashioned a mini table saw out of a jewelry box and a self-created motor; not to mention his one-of-kind automatic gum dispenser!

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Golden Milk…aka Turmeric Tea
recipe Siena Walker recipe Siena Walker

Golden Milk…aka Turmeric Tea

Golden milk is a traditional Indian drink that has been adopted in the west for its immune boosting and healing properties. There are many science-based benefits of the yummy, warming drink. 

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Nirodha…say what?
yoga Siena Walker yoga Siena Walker

Nirodha…say what?

Nirodha is defined as the fifth and highest level of the mind.  Why is this important to explore or understand?  You may have heard the saying, "Yoga begins with the stillness of the mind".  This is a simple translation of the second of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

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Easy Focaccia
recipe Siena Walker recipe Siena Walker

Easy Focaccia

Think you can’t make bread?  Think again.  Focaccia is a flat, oven-baked Italian bread that is so mouth watering good, you may eat the whole think in one sitting! 

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Outdoor Yoga in Winter? No Problem.
yoga Siena Walker yoga Siena Walker

Outdoor Yoga in Winter? No Problem.

2020 has definitely changed our lives! The way we practice yoga is no exception. I feel fortunate to have been able to offer outdoor yoga classes to many local students. As we inch closer to the first day of winter, the outdoor classes are still rocking and rolling!

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Honey’s Vegan Split Pea Soup
recipe Siena Walker recipe Siena Walker

Honey’s Vegan Split Pea Soup

When the weather is cold and you need to warm up, this is the perfect comfort food that won’t add extra pounds!  The recipe was lovingly recreated by my mother-in-law, Honey, from the original meat-based version of her mother’s.

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